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What are the requirements for patient qualification?

Required patient transitional care management (TCM) services include:

  • Supporting a patient’s transition to a community setting
  • Health care professionals who accept patients at the time of post-facility discharge, without a service gap
  • Health care professionals taking responsibility for a patient’s care
  • Moderate or high complexity medical decision making for patients with medical or psychosocial problems


The 30-day TCM period begins on a patient’s inpatient discharge date and continues for the next 29 days. TCM services begin the day of discharge from 1 of these inpatient or partial hospitalization settings:

  • Inpatient acute care hospital
  • Inpatient psychiatric hospital
  • Inpatient rehabilitation facility
  • Long-term care hospital
  • Skilled nursing facility
  • Hospital outpatient observation or partial hospitalization
  • Partial hospitalization at a community mental health center


After inpatient discharge, the patient must return to their community setting. These could include:

  • Home
  • Domiciliary (such as a group home or boarding house)
  • Nursing facility
  • Assisted living facility

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